Order Management


Trade what you want, where you want, safely

With Messer’s browser-based OMS, you can trade almost anything anywhere.


We manage the entire pre-trade process with built-in position and compliance checks, complete with direct FIX connectivity and/or staging to third party execution management systems. Whether you trade directly through us or using other platforms and EMS, we keep you safe.

Comprehensive Asset Support

We can help you trade even tier 3 assets, be it a racehorse, wine collection, cryptocurrency, or carbon credit. Utilising our schema-less data model, there is not much we can’t trade.

Flexible Allocation

We can customise specific allocation rules for fund, strategies, clearers and unwinding to your requirements.

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What Our Clients say

Of course we also have…

Order routing, staging or dropcopy workflows

Whether you trade on our system, on a different EMS or initiate the order elsewhere, we can still help with booking, allocation or pre-trade compliance, etc.

Restricted lists

We make sure you don’t trade anything you are not supposed to.

Security master

Our security master covers the listed universe and is extensible for all OTC non-standard instruments.


Accessible anywhere.

Flexible data ingestion

Choose from SFTP files (push or pull), manual file upload or our API, which allows automatic transfers from your system to ours – no stress!

Pre-trade compliance checks

We ensure orders are within client-designated risk limits; do not exceed beneficial ownership thresholds; and pass fat-finger checks. User defined rules, full audit and control via dashboard, alerts and reports available.

3rd party integration

We integrate with data from FIX VCON, EMSX MarkitSERV, 3rd party files trades, positions, accounting entries, market data providers, etc.

Our data warehouse  is available as a solution in its own right and is also the backbone of Prodigy, providing seamless integration between modules that all operate on the same single source of data.

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Much more than a matching engine, our reconciliation solution is also a management information system, offering insights such as age of breaks, accuracy of bookings, etc.

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Our real-time P&L and NAV calculations coupled with the ability to drill down from positions into trades and open lots, offers unprecedented transparency into where you stand.

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