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Multi-source data reconciliation
For your not-so-standard reconciliations
This is mainly for clients looking for data reconciliation outside of provided by standard reconciliation software, such as cash balance, cash activity, positions and trade activity. Based on client requirements, we automate processes of file acquisition and reconciliation. Messer will help you create file mapping and will also train your technical team if you are interested in building your own reconciliations. This will leave more time for meaningful investigation.
This workflow is available as an add-on to Prodigy and as a standalone workflow.
Use case
To remove manual efforts and errors in identifying incoherent records between client and counterparties.
How does it help?
Based on client requirements (run schedule, matching rules, tolerance, etc), automating processes of files acquisition and reconciliation. We create file mapping for our client but also train your IT team on this if preferred. Our reconciliation software acts as a matching engine and internal organisational tool. This will help leave more time for investigation.
Key features
Data reconciliation from multiple sources of external data in a variety of formats
Automatic data collection and triggering of the reconciliations
Easily configurable and editable sources and matching rules by the user
Near real-time reconciliation and notifications